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Unrest Over Stimulus Gridlock Grows

With no end to the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic in sight, the United States legislature remains in gridlock when it comes to passing a relief bill. No matter what side of the aisle you find yourself on, it’s apparent that many Americans are finding themselves left out and let down by their elected officials who at this time have only managed to pass one relief effort. While most Americans are waiting on a second relief check to hit the mail, there are still many who were left out of the first round either by design or error.

Constituents on both sides of the political spectrum have taken to Twitter to express their outrage. While unfortunate, disgust over lack of progress appears to be one issue that’s reaching everyone as we enter the holiday season.

Disagreement and Stalemate

During these unfortunate times, it seems that the downtrodden are receiving the brunt impact of economic woes. One Twitter user cites being unable to afford their oncologist during the lockdown.

With both Democrats and Republicans being unwilling to budge it appears that congress will once again let the stimulus bill die out and move on leaving a large portion of the population in financial limbo during the Holidays.

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